About us What is M-Panels Who can I contact if I need help? Registration How can I join and what information will I need to provide? Who can become a M-Panels member? Member Verification Why do I need to verify my identity when I register as a member? Study Invitation Can I share my study invitations with my colleagues or others who may be interested? Am I obligated to participate in all the studies to which I am invited to? Are study invitations sent only in English or I can receive invitations in other languages? Will I get spammed with study invitations? What information will I receive in the study invitations? What types of market research studies will I receive invitations for, if I opt-in? Study Participation How long are the online surveys? When can I take an online survey? Screeners / Screenout Why can't you just invite me to studies that I will qualify for, or at least tell me in the invitation what is needed to qualify? Why am I asked the same screening questions over and over? Will I be paid for my time despite screening out? What kind of questions will I be asked in the screening process, and how long will it take? When I screen out, what happens to my data? What is a ‘Screener’, and what is the purpose of screening questions? Data protection How can I update my member profile or unsubscribe from being a member? Who is using the data that I provide? Are the study results anonymous? Payment How much will I be paid for participating in studies, and how will I be paid?